Wherify Wherifone

Wherify Wherfone G560 (available from $89.99)



With its built-in GPS system, the Wherifone is exactly what the name implies. Made for younger children (it’s also recommended for seniors and people with disabilities) the set-up is basic and practical. The Wherifone comes with a wall-charger, and plans start at $19.99.

For parents:
Children can only call numbers you program into the phone. There is no texting feature, although parents can send text messages to the phone via the Web. The GPS let’s you know where loved ones are, although CNET reported that it wasn’t always accurate.

What kids will like:
You might be hard-pressed to sell tweens on the Wherifone.

go to Wherifone

One Response to “Wherify Wherifone”

  1. […] well consider what kind of cell phone is suitable for your child. Some manufactures have issued cell phones that incorporate GPS (Global Positioning System); this might come in handy if you want to track your kid’s whereabouts […]

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